African Inland Mission

African Inland Mission
"Christ-centered churches among all African peoples"

Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 22, 2013

This was our first thought when we received the official invitation to be part of African Inland Missions. Our journey began in 2011 and then continued when in 2012 we returned to Africa, first with AIM as the guesthouse managers in Kampala and then during our time with New Hope Uganda.  Our visit to Karamoja in North East Uganda while with AIM firmly planted the desire to serve in Karamoja in our hearts and the Holy Spirit continued to confirm this over and over.

The Details...
As many of you know, our desire was to be self supported financially, while raising prayer support before returning to Africa. One of the reasons we desired to return to Uganda with AIM was because of their wisdom and experience. While attending Candidate Week we learned that we are required to raise some support. We really see AIM’s wisdom in asking we have partners not only in prayer, but also financially.  Our desire is that those who support us are not just sending money, but really are part of what we are doing; that all of us are investing together in Karamoja, Uganda.

We are all living stones being built together as the Lord’s church and He has called each of us for His purpose. Please pray to God as to whether the Lord would have you partnering together with us in being the Light of Christ in Uganda.


We are aiming to return to Africa to attend AIM’s Africa Bound Orientation in Nairobi, Kenya beginning October 6th.  In order to attend we need to have 100% of our monthly support pledged by September 4th. 

Current Support Level: $1,386

Monthly Support Costs: $2,594

 Monthly Need Remaining: $1,208 

In addition to monthly expenses there are other expenses that we will or have already incurred. Please pray whether the Lord would have you support us in any of these other areas:

Travel expenses, Orientation costs, Expenses in setting up new home in Uganda, etc.: $17,760
Cost of used vehicle in Uganda: $24,390
Total Other Support: $42,150
(These are costs projected by AIM)

…want to be a supporter?

As God leads, please prayerfully consider joining our team (either in prayer and/or financially) then let us know.

AIM’s mission statement is “Christ Centered Churches Among All African Peoples”, which so clearly reflects our hearts as well.

Every pledge counts towards our goal even if you cannot begin immediately.

Lyle & Ingrid Lathrop  

If the Lord leads you to support us in any way, please contact myself or Ingrid so that we can forward you a pledge card that can be completed and returned via email.