African Inland Mission

African Inland Mission
"Christ-centered churches among all African peoples"

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014


Ingrid here J

Manyatta in Moroto district
I am so full of joy to be writing this blog entry from Moroto.  We are here and so glad to be settling in to our hotel room at the Shalosa Hotel.  I will mention more about this later, but just want to thank everyone for the prayers and encouragement we have received these past months as we have looked longingly at where we knew our Lord desired for us to be. 

Our orientation to African Inland Mission in Machokos, Kenya was very worthwhile for Lyle and me. We had the opportunity to hear from strong Christian African men about the culture, and about religion and where the people of the living God fit into this in a culturally relevant way.  It was good to be reminded that God has created every culture and His nature and stamp are there if we will just have eyes to look for Him and to see where His nature is alive in each country of this earth.

It was also good for me to have time to ponder my December and even losing my good friend Imam in November.  Since I have been back to Uganda, loss has had a significant place in my heart.  Lyle poignantly said that this might be a normal part of our lives from here on out.  Death is a more normal part of everyday life for everyone here, much more so than in the United States.

ABO (African Based Orientation) was the longest I had been in one spot since the end of May 2013 and so I had time to process my losses.  During worship every morning, we would sing of God’s goodness and mercy and I found myself in tears as I could see His goodness and mercy in my brother’s life and death, but could not see it in baby Frank’s death or in Imam’s.  I had time to talk to Jesus about this dichotomy and slowly over days, He showed me that Frank’s life hasn’t ended, just his time on earth.  That Frank and Imam are both still very much alive for all of eternity, as well as my brother, and that I can trust that He was kind and merciful even when I cannot see the big picture.  I was directed to 2 Corinthians 5:4b: “so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life” and Ecclesiastics  3:11 which says “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time.  He has planted eternity in the human heart but even so people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end”. I was so full of peace and joy as my Lord opened my eyes to the truth of His plan and desire for mankind.  We were created to live forever, He graciously allows us to choose by what we have faith in, where that will be.

While we were in Kenya, we had the opportunity to visit Imam’s daughters in Eastleigh, the Ethiopian/Somali refugee camp in Nairobi.  We found out that these precious girls had gotten to see Imam in the hospital and did get to say good-bye to him and were able to attend his funeral. We had photos printed of our last time together, so they had recent pictures of their dad with them.  We could see this meant a lot to them. We also saw their relative, she is 9, who we had sponsored until we came to Africa.  My heart was so comforted to be with them and see them in school, a Christian school in a Muslim area, what a miracle.

Entering our room from the hall
So with my heart very settled, I was very ready to get on with life and become as Karimojong as I possibly can be.  The Kjong people find it hard to believe that I desire to be Kjong.  I didn’t really think about it but as a people that has been despised and rejected, they probably do not conceive of why this is a desire in my heart.  I only know that the Lord has placed it there.

As I said we are in a hotel, because the housing prices are at a boom in this small town in the middle of nowhere.  There are 300 nongovernmental organizations, mostly humanitarian, registered in Moroto, and they will pay whatever price is asked because they operate on donated money.
View looking back at hall from inside of room

AIM, however, will not do that and has a price ceiling so far below the housing prices that we are in a one room with attached bath, in order to be within budget.  We are praying about a house the owner of the hotel is building, which he will rent for well below market to us, but still for much more than our budget allows.  There is a possibility of getting an exception, since our area is considered a hardship area, so we will see.  I can say that I am content right now, and am content to leave it to the Lord as to where we live.  Please join us in asking Father to guide AIM and us to the right place.

Bed to the left of door
I started my language lessons today with a young woman, a teacher named Rose.  She has loaned me a primary one Karimojong primer to help me learn.  I think it is too advanced for me J; but I am enjoying what little I can say already.

We have had people genuinely welcome us with great kindness and love.  They have been very encouraged by our desire to learn their language and culture.  Please pray for this region, as there has been some incidents recently that are trying to unsettle the area. 
View of "kitchen" to left of bed

We have sensed the difference in the atmosphere from when we were here in January. Oh how I pray that this precious group realize to the depth of their souls, the love their Creator God has for each of them. I have had the opportunity to share that with some, that God deeply loves them, and mostly I have been given blank stares back. So we will see how things go.
Our combination toilet, shower, and sink (not all shown)


Today as Lyle and I were walking, a little girl ran up to me and jumped in my arms!!! That was a first. Most are afraid of my white face to begin with, but this little one snuggled her head in my neck like she never would let go. You can guess how touched I was by this and really didn't want to let her go.

I recently read the “Insanity of God”, by Nik Ripken and Greg Lewis, it was such an encouragement to me that I was created to know The God of the Universe, and that He desires deep and ongoing relationship with me.  Having that, I can go through anything and rejoice.  The testimonies of real people, persecuted people who love Jesus with all of their lives, spurred me on to self-examination. I do live my theology.  What is it that my life/actions say I believe and who do I really love?

We have felt the spectrum of emotions these last weeks, and now that the rubber is meeting the road after a year of preparation, we will find out in an intimate way, what we really believe about the sovereignty of God and Who He is to us.  We cherish each one of you and do ask for feedback from you anytime.  Let us know your thoughts about us, prayers we can join you in, and what is going on in your lives.  If you have any questions please feel free to ask. You are here in Karamoja with us, serving our Lord Jesus with us, and are the living stones Jesus is building into His heavenly temple together.  We thank Him for each of you with great frequency.
A different looking praying mantis (disguised as a leaf) 

Our love and prayers,

Ingrid and Lyle


  1. We are praying for you, sweet friends! I am so glad you are finally getting settled. I'm excited to see this story unfold. You two are such an encouragement to me!!

  2. Thanks Ashley...sorry for taking so long to respond, but we have to go into town to get good internet. I'm thinking the town we go to is a whole lot closer then where you have to go :-) We think of you often and are praying for you. Looking forward to hearing the story our Lord writes for you in South Sudan.
