There Is No Other Way
thoughts said, "Is there no other way of learning how to help another but
by the way of suffering?"
Father said, "Had there been another way, would I not have found it for
the Son of My love, whom no thorn of pain had ever pierced, who was tender as a
child to the touch? If it became Me in bringing many sons to glory to lead the
Captain of their salvation by that way, would you win souls without a pang?
Settle it once for all; there is no other way."
I have been looking at this past couple of weeks has been what it means to die
to oneself. I really appreciated what was written by Amy Carmichael,
"There Is No Other Way", from one of her books, "His Thoughts
Said; His Father Said". Our salvation was secured when Jesus, the
perfect Lamb of God, laid down His life, willingly, to purchase us by His
blood. As we desire to be used by Him, why would we think it would be any
2:3 & 4 says, "Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression
on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think
only about your own affairs, but be interested in others too, and what they are
doing" (NLT). The NIV puts verse 2 a little differently, "Do nothing
out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better
than yourselves." These verses really drive home for me the relational
ministry of Jesus. There was NO pride, arrogance, or self-centeredness. He is the
second part of the Godhead and equal to God in all respects. He was God in
flesh, who came and laid down all His rights because He loved His Father and
mankind more than Himself.
The last
verse that the Lord has laid on my heart has been Romans 1:1, "Paul, a
servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel
of God" (NIV). Frankly I have not made it past, "Paul, a
servant". I really began looking at the word servant in this passage. Many
versions of the Bible will translate the word servant as bondservant or slave.
I have heard the explanation many times in the past of a bondservant. One who
willingly chooses to be a slave once his mandatory time of servitude is over,
because of his love for his master; and how a dowel is driven through his ear
to signify that he is no longer his own. While this is very true of a bondservant,
it is not true of a slave. A slave is one who is bought at market for a
price. As I was researching this verse I found that in this
passage, Paul is not referring to himself as a bondservant, but rather as a
slave. Meaning he was bought with a price. Paul is saying he is no longer
free. He can no longer do what he pleases. He is to do the will of the One who
bought him. This concept is illustrated in several other passages. The same
Greek word for bought, agorazō, is used in the following verses,
although various translations may use a different English word.
5:9 - "And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy are You to take the book
and to open its seals; because You were slain, and with Your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and
language and people and nation.'"
6:20 - "For you have been bought with a
price: therefore glorify God in your body."
1Corinthians 7:23 - "You were bought
with a price; do not become slaves of men."
So, going
back to my original question, "What does it mean or look like to die to
myself?" There is much in these verses to comment about, but what has
stuck to me the most was the attitude of Paul. He has put his life into the
proper perspective. He saw who he was; a slave. Not a slave to his own desires,
but rather someone whose very life and existence was bought by the blood of our
Lord Jesus Christ. His will was no longer his own. This is the same mindset Jesus modeled while on earth. He did the will of His Father, not his own. It is in dying to myself,
and only living to do the will of my Father, that I will truly be able to love
others more then myself. I know this concept intellectually, but my desire is
to truly live it; not just as something I do, but rather a representation of
who I am – not my own.
It sure
seems as I have pondering these thoughts and praying about them, I fail to live
them, and the giving in to selfishness occurs way to easily. Please pray that I
“live it.” After all, "there is no other way of learning how to help another, but by the way of suffering."
This is a precious little boy, his name is Tom and 9 months ago he not only wouldn't have cuddled with me, but would have tried to beat me up. Through many prayers and one faithful woman's surrender to God's love for Tom--her name is Auntie Rose--he now is in his right mind, and acts like a little boy and loves to be held and loved. His only word is mama, which he says frequently when looking up from your arms. Please pray for him to continue transforming and for a bright future through our Lord Jesus' power.
While in Jinja, I had the privilege of meeting Paster Peter and his wife Presxasis.
This is Auntie Elizabeth at Good Shepherd Fold, she taught me how to cut and peel matoke and cook it. Here I am eating it with a wonderful chili sauce. A bowl of delicious greens are on my knees. She also taught me how to weave mats, like to red and white one behind her. Please pray for her and all the Aunties at GSF, they have been given great responsibility with God's treasures, orphaned children.
Lyle's birthday, he shared it with the young lady Ruby on the left. He let her blow out her 7 candles instead of his "many" candles. Baifa, the cake maker and Ruby's mum and sisters are in the picture as well as a man from Canada who works with us at AIM central.
Lyle and I were able to meet up with a young woman we had become acquainted with while here last year. She had a baby girl May 10th and named her Zoe Ingrid. I got to have some baby time while we chatted which I loved.
Lyle and Ingrid