It is amazing how quickly time goes by. The last post was on the 7th, two weeks ago. It just does not seem like that much time has gone by. It has been a very full two weeks, which also included a rest we had anticipated, but did not know how much we needed until we had it. More about that later. Life here is full, both from the standpoint of managing Matoke Inn, which is a privilege and a blessing, but also in ministry to those God brings into our lives.
Life at the Inn is never dull and is always full of new faces and stories of how God is working in the lives of others. The other night we heard the story of from a young Ugandan man who told how he was headed down the wrong path. He was no longer in school as he had not paid his school fees. He was making poor choices and his life was headed nowhere. He implied it was headed to disaster. He told us of how he was introduced to one of our guests who is an eye surgeon and has spent most of his life living in Uganda. He told how this doctor, took him in, cared for him, paying his school fees, and giving him opportunity to succeed. He told of how God used this man to change his life. He is now the head surgical nurse for this doctor, who is now in his 70's, and still spends most of his time traveling the country doing eye surgeries! The incredible thing is, this young man's story is but one of many. There was another Ugandan man who came to visit who is now nurse in Kampala. His surgical team is made up of young men he has taken in and trained or sponsered through school. One of his team members is the son of a man he helped many years ago! What was a real blessing, was that no credit was given to anybody, other then their willingness to be obedient. All glory went to God for the work He is doing and has done!
God is at work in Africa and we have the privilege of hearing first hand from some of His servants what He is doing. With that in mind, we would ask that you keep the new country of South Sudan in your prayers. We have had several missionaries through Matoke from South Sudan. Without exception each of them has suffered many setbacks and challenges we have not seen shared by missionaries from other regions. These are missionaries from various mission organizations, so it seems across the board. We don't know if this is true of all missionaries in South Sudan, but it certainly is of those we have met here at Matoke. The enemy is trying to snuff out God's light, yet those we see here are choosing obedience rather then comfort or ease. They are coming for supplies, medical attention, or for a needed rest coupled with their primary reason for being at Matoke. But without exception they are returning to South Sudan, regardless of the difficulties they have experienced. Please keep them in you prayers how ever the Spirit leads you.
It really strikes me, as I wrote about dying to self on the last post, walking through the doors here at Matoke is person after person who have died to comfort, died to knowing the future, died to security. Their desire is to live for Christ. They have the same same struggles you and I would in the same circumstances, yet they choose obedience.
For Ingrid and I, it is a blessing to have a small part in their ministry by listening and praying and making their stay at Matoke a time of refreshing. We also continue to have bible studies with the staff here at Matoke and share life with them.
As I said in the beginning we had a break we knew was coming, but did not realize how much we needed it. The AIM central region leaders, offered to stay in Matoke and look after it for the weekend while we got away. They recommended a "resort" in Entebbe on the shore of Lake Victoria. It was a wonderful time! To begin with, we kept thinking of the Inn and what needed to be done. It was difficult to separate ourselves from Matoke. That was Friday afternoon - evening, day one. By the time day two rolled around, Saturday, we realized how much Matoke Inn was consuming us and we were able to relax and let it go. When day three, Sunday, came we really just wanted to stay! Such a change from day one. We even went to the zoo before we returned. Here are some pictures of the wildlife at the resort as well as a local fishing boat.

A flock of guinea fowl
Local Fisherman
A Hornbill (of some kind)
We have no idea what kind of
bird this is but it reminded us of a pterodactyl with it's head.
Fun Loving Ingrid (not native to Uganda, but very much at home here :-)
Our prayer request would be that we keep our eyes focused on Jesus the One Who called us here; that we would have hearts tender to yield and surrender to His will moment by moment each day as we live for HIM who made us and each day.
That's all for now...
Lyle and Ingrid
God is at work in Africa and we have the privilege of hearing first hand from some of His servants what He is doing. With that in mind, we would ask that you keep the new country of South Sudan in your prayers. We have had several missionaries through Matoke from South Sudan. Without exception each of them has suffered many setbacks and challenges we have not seen shared by missionaries from other regions. These are missionaries from various mission organizations, so it seems across the board. We don't know if this is true of all missionaries in South Sudan, but it certainly is of those we have met here at Matoke. The enemy is trying to snuff out God's light, yet those we see here are choosing obedience rather then comfort or ease. They are coming for supplies, medical attention, or for a needed rest coupled with their primary reason for being at Matoke. But without exception they are returning to South Sudan, regardless of the difficulties they have experienced. Please keep them in you prayers how ever the Spirit leads you.
It really strikes me, as I wrote about dying to self on the last post, walking through the doors here at Matoke is person after person who have died to comfort, died to knowing the future, died to security. Their desire is to live for Christ. They have the same same struggles you and I would in the same circumstances, yet they choose obedience.
For Ingrid and I, it is a blessing to have a small part in their ministry by listening and praying and making their stay at Matoke a time of refreshing. We also continue to have bible studies with the staff here at Matoke and share life with them.
As I said in the beginning we had a break we knew was coming, but did not realize how much we needed it. The AIM central region leaders, offered to stay in Matoke and look after it for the weekend while we got away. They recommended a "resort" in Entebbe on the shore of Lake Victoria. It was a wonderful time! To begin with, we kept thinking of the Inn and what needed to be done. It was difficult to separate ourselves from Matoke. That was Friday afternoon - evening, day one. By the time day two rolled around, Saturday, we realized how much Matoke Inn was consuming us and we were able to relax and let it go. When day three, Sunday, came we really just wanted to stay! Such a change from day one. We even went to the zoo before we returned. Here are some pictures of the wildlife at the resort as well as a local fishing boat.
A flock of guinea fowl
Local Fisherman
A Hornbill (of some kind)
We have no idea what kind of
bird this is but it reminded us of a pterodactyl with it's head.
Fun Loving Ingrid (not native to Uganda, but very much at home here :-)
We very much appreciate the contacts we get from various ones of you. We even received a treasure, a book and our weekly handout from church at FCC, via the kindness of Elwin Alexander. We received notice of this and had a new adventure going to the Kampala Central Post Office, to collect it. They do not deliver mail:)
Our prayer request would be that we keep our eyes focused on Jesus the One Who called us here; that we would have hearts tender to yield and surrender to His will moment by moment each day as we live for HIM who made us and each day.
That's all for now...
Lyle and Ingrid