Hello All...
Time continues to fly by. I know I said that last time we blogged, but our time at the Matoke Inn draws closer and closer to being over. We will be leaving for a three day trip to Moroto on Monday the 26th returning on Wednesday the 28th. We move from the managers house to the Inn on the 1st. We will be working with the new managers, bring them up to speed. During that two week period we will visit a Pastor friend in Jinga, then come back to the Inn for a very short time. From there we fly to Nairobi on December 16th to spend some time with a friend, returning to Uganda on the 5th of January. Then we travel to New Hope Uganda, in the Luwero district. This brings us to a couple of prayer requests. If any of you have been following any of the new coming out of Kenya you will be aware that Al-Shabab has been very active in Eastleigh. Eastleigh is an area in Nairobi that is made up mostly of Somali and Ethiopian refugees. Al-Shabab has been targeting this area in protest over Kenya's involvement in Somalia in the war against Al-Shabab. In particular they have been targeting mostly Christians. Please lift this area up in prayer. The second prayer request is for the Luwero area. There has been an Ebola outbreak in the area and I believe there have been five deaths, although there are more confirmed cases. Ugandan health authorities along with CDC and WHO are working hard to contain the virus, but prayer is the most powerful thing we can do.
On another note, God continues to surprise us. To try to shorten a longer story, Ingrid handed out a couple of bibles to some young children who had asked for them. Somehow it got back to the Boda Boda drivers (Boda's are small motorcycles that carry passengers for hire) that Ingrid had bibles, so they asked for some. We handed out a few then asked if they would be interested in a Bible study, to which they replied, yes. We have had two studies so far with a small group of young men who, for the most part, have not done a lot of Bible study. When I asked them what they wanted out of the Bible study they told me that they face many temptations in life and their desire is not to give in to the temptations. They wanted to know what the scriptures said about living a Christ-like life. They basically came and said, we want to be discipled. The hunger in their hearts for the Lord is amazing. Our night guard is another young man who is just eating up God's word. I do not use the words "eating up" lightly. He is truly finding deep nourishment in God's word. The insights the Holy Spirit has given him are incredible. As our time here winds down, only God knows who will step in to facilitate these studies. As of yet, we have no idea, but I know the One, who has started this good work, is faithful to complete it. Please pray for the person our Lord has in mind to fill this gap.
Lyle and I survived driving to and from Mbarara, with Lyle having a severe cramp in his jaw most of the time. The term defensive driving has a whole new meaning in Uganda. Again thanks for the prayers.
I was able to spend a day at a special needs school, the same one I visited last November, almost to the day. I was there at the request of a physical therapist to offer suggestions in areas that are usually OT related but that she is covering. It was a wonderful day, always a very painful one in my heart as I interact with these precious children desiring nothing but love, and I wonder "why Lord"? I know He doesn't make mistakes, and I know that their future does not end in this life, but when little ones or big ones seem to have little hope of a future here, it is hard.

(Ingrid with Sumaya above and two teachers on the left)
Our days are not only passing quickly but I feel as though we are having to push through a thick liquid most of the time. I don't know if that makes sense to anyone but me, but it is definitely warfare, which means something good is coming:) PLEASE pray for us however the Holy Spirit leads!
As we spend our first Thanksgiving away from all our loved ones who normally gather together, I am attempting to keep in the forefront of my mind, all the innumerable reasons I have to be thankful. I truly am grateful for where I am, for the lives God is allowing me to "do life" with both here and in America. I know that I know that I know I am where my Creator wants me to be. This quote truly reflects my heart for the present and our unknown future.
“It is no small comfort to me to know that God has called me to my work, putting me where I am and as I am. I have not sought the position and I dare not leave it. He knows why He places me here-whether to do, or learn, or suffer.”
Hudson Taylor---Pioneer missionary to China
This scripture is my Thanksgiving message to all of you...may you find the riches of our Lord in His living and active Word.
Psalms 62:5-8 Find rest, O my soul in God alone; my hope
comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will
not be shaken. My salvation and my honor
depend on God. He is my might rod, my
refuge. Trust in Him at all times, O
people, pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.
Lyle again,
Last time we asked for prayer about us purchasing a car. While we have not yet purchased one, the Lord has provided three different vehicles for our use. Three separate missionaries, while on home assignment, offered us their vehicles!!! This will take us all the way through our time at New Hope!!
OK...to finish this blog up, here are two absolutely random pictures. We went to the home of one of the staff members here and she raises chickens, both layers and fryers. Some lay eggs and others are dinner. I don't know which one is in this picture, but I think Ingrid took a spectacular picture! We could not resist this last photo. Yes, that is a Starbuck's bag of ground coffee Ingrid is clutching with longing, glee and excitement all rolled up into one look! Who would of that we would have found that in Kampala, Uganda.
Lyle again,
Last time we asked for prayer about us purchasing a car. While we have not yet purchased one, the Lord has provided three different vehicles for our use. Three separate missionaries, while on home assignment, offered us their vehicles!!! This will take us all the way through our time at New Hope!!
OK...to finish this blog up, here are two absolutely random pictures. We went to the home of one of the staff members here and she raises chickens, both layers and fryers. Some lay eggs and others are dinner. I don't know which one is in this picture, but I think Ingrid took a spectacular picture! We could not resist this last photo. Yes, that is a Starbuck's bag of ground coffee Ingrid is clutching with longing, glee and excitement all rolled up into one look! Who would of that we would have found that in Kampala, Uganda.