Ingrid here:
Being involved in
the lives of the Ugandan people here is a cherished privilege. They are so
precious, and kind and humble in a way that is an example to me. I want to
share about a couple of relationships God has placed in my life.
We have had the
responsibility of having to interview and hire two new workers (female) for the
Inn. It was a learning curve in how to let it be known that we had job openings
and then how to go about hiring. I asked the staff if they had any
recommendations, because they would be the ones working together, and one of
the applicants was referred that way, the other was through an AIM staffer.
One of the women
we ended up hiring to clean rooms, do laundry and cook, had no experience with anything
electrical, but loves Jesus and had the reputation of being a hard worker and very intelligent though with little schooling. When
I sat her down and explained the parameters of the job and that she would be
training for several months, she couldn’t believe she would get paid for training.
Before coming here she worked cleaning yards and a couple of houses and
probably made 30,000 shillings a week. The exchange rate is 2500 shillings to
one dollar so about 12 dollars a week if I am doing my math correctly. As I said, she
loves Jesus very much and her faith is seen in her life and actions.
She came to me the
other day and asked if she could speak with me, and when she sat down, she
thanked me for hiring her and training her as she never would have learned otherwise. Her home has no electricity or gas, Matoke uses a gas stove here and an electric washer and dryer. God
gave me the flash of insight that not only is this opportunity changing her
life and future but her children's future and their children’s on down
generationally. It is overwhelming to me to see how such a little opportunity can have such a huge impact for many people. She has such joy in her eyes and radiating out of her which is very different than prior to her hiring. Before, at the interview we had with her, she was so scared, her cheeks were even
shaking as she attempted to answer our questions, but she had the courage to
come and interview and trust the Lord, and He answered her trust with a
priceless opportunity. Please pray for her and her family. She would like prayer for her husband and brother as
well, as they are not believers and aren’t interested in hearing what God is doing
in her life.
Lyle and I shop
for the Inn almost daily at the local grocery store and I have been able to
practice my Luganda with the staff there. They have come to light up when we
come through the gate and encourage us to speak our few words to them. As a
result, I have developed a relationship with some of them. One young girl came
up to me last week and asked me for help because she is getting beaten where
she is living. I told her I would ask around for a room for her. I told our
staff here about her and they had many questions and wanted to be able to talk
to her. I was able to talk to her semi privately in the middle of a grocery
aisle and asked her if she would come and meet the women I work with to see how
we could help her. She was very willing
to do so and hugged me and said, “You love me!!!” I told her I did and we
arranged to meet outside the store on Monday for me to bring her to Matoke to
meet with the staff women, to see how we can help her. Please pray for her and
for us for wisdom!
On a personal
note, the learning curve has settled down and routine has settled in. As a
result, I am struggling just now, feeling like I'm in a battle emotionally and
spiritually inside, no reason on the outside that I can point a finger at, so I
am just trying to keep my heart and thoughts on Jesus, and off myself! My
memory verse this two week period is Isaiah 55:8-9. I am practicing thanking God for the many blessings
He has provided for me: for mosquito netting, as I struggle to climb out of it
and develop my technique for storing it during the dayJ Having to cancel
appointments in town because of political protests, electricity going off and on every day,
cold showers, etc. I need to remember to
thank Him for what electricity I do have and running water, as our Ugandan
staff work with our quality of life each day and return to their homes without
either. I have prayed and ask for prayer
that my lightweight level of how to live will decrease as my Lord increases in
me. Comfort is sinking sand! My flesh
really doesn’t want to let go; I know that transformation takes place in my
mind, as Romans 12:1-2 tells me. I do want to remember this truth! Today in my
quiet time God led me back to Psalm 91:1-3 as well. He is my refuge my place of
safety, oh I want more than life itself to live out His character in my life no
matter what. I know only He can accomplish this in me, and I must keep
remembering this as I feel pain and fatigue and no desire to be where I know He
wants me! I must plug on; this too shall pass.
Lyle here:
As we settle into the routine here, which is accepting there really is no routine, only a general way of doing things that can change depending on the day J. I have had the opportunity to meet with one of our night watchmen one to two times a week for Bible study. This has really been a rewarding time! We had given him a bible a while back and He has been just consuming it! He reads and asks questions. We have also been going through the gospel of John. We began in John 1:1 and just finished the story of the woman at the well last night. It has been a wonderful time meeting with him.
We were also able to travel to New Hope Uganda (NHU) for a day, since we last posted a blog, and meet with the Institutes director. He gave us some insights as to where we will be living and how the days will be structured. More importantly then that, we were able to spend some time with our friend Uncle Dan and his family, as well as Anna and James. We had a wonderful time with all of them. Here are some pictures:
Ingrid and I with Anna and James
The entire Uncle Dan clan. Left to right...Uncle Dan's sister, Ingrid with Gideon, Lyle, Uncle Dan, Lydia, and in the front, Allen and Ian.
Uncle Dan and his wife, Lydia
In addition to going to NHU we went to a Chris Tomlin concert. Yes, Chris Tomlin, Christy Nockels, and the speaker, Louie Giglio; all part of the Passion Tour. It was a lot of fun. Chris Tomlin and Christy Nockels had a real heart of worship as they sang. Who would have thought that we would travel all the way to Kampala, Uganda to go to a U.S. led Christian concert.
One final note. We all know God's creation is absolutely infinite and His creativity is inexhaustible. I have previously included some different shots of monkeys and birds and flowers. Here is one really interesting spider looking like it is trying to figure out how to get Ingrid.